We support the safety lifecycle.
Bluefield Process Safety helps its clients understand their options. It’s the company Mike wanted to be there back when he was working in chemical operations: quick to understand what you need, able to deliver without fat or waste, ready to share its methods and tools so you can do the work yourself next time if you choose.
You don’t have time or money to squander. Whether it’s properly preparing for a HazOp so your personnel aren’t tied up for days when hours would do, or helping you to take proper credit for the layers of protection you already have in place, Bluefield Process Safety makes sure you achieve the safety you need as effectively as possible.
Improving Safety: Lessons from Blue Food
“Did you ever notice, there’s no blue food? Whenever I say that, people say, ‘Ha! What about blueberries?’ But no-o-o…blueberries are purple.” — George Carlin My wife loves blue food. She has George Carlin to [...]
Unusual Process Hazards: Manhole Covers
“If I had a nickel for every time this happened, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice. Right?” — Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirz Friends and acquaintances recently flooded [...]
Complacency: What Can Be Done About It?
“You need to have redesign because familiarity breeds a kind of complacency.” — Timothy White When a hazardous incident occurs, we often hear a single word offered as an explanation: “Complacency.” Maybe it’s true, but [...]