Did you know that Bluefield Process Safety offers remote services?
The pandemic has made things difficult on all of us, but we’re adapting! Over the last year, we’ve facilitated PHA’s, conducted training and offered numerous other safety consulting services via video conferencing. Take a look at our services page to see what we offer and, if you need it done remotely, we will do our best to accommodate. We’re still here to help you make the world a safer place!
Bluefield Process Safety, LLC is a small, privately held consulting company that serves the chemical, petrochemical, refinery, oil, gas, and grain handling industries in their efforts to make their processes and facilities safer. Our vision is simple: make the world a safer place.
Bluefield Process Safety offers many services to our clients including:
Facilitation of HazOp studies and other Process Hazard Analysis studies
Facilitation of Dust Hazard Analysis
Risk Assessment within the facility and the process
Risk Tolerance Criteria determination and application
Facilitation of Levels of Protection Analysis
Safety Instrumented Systems
Safety Requirement Specifications
Pre-Startup Safety Reviews
Regulatory Compliance assistance
HIPPS (High-Integrity Pressure Protection Systems)
Proof Test Procedures
We support the safety lifecycle.
Bluefield Process Safety helps its clients understand their options. It’s the company Mike wanted to be there back when he was working in chemical operations: quick to understand what you need, able to deliver without fat or waste, ready to share its methods and tools so you can do the work yourself next time if you choose.
You don’t have time or money to squander. Whether it’s properly preparing for a HazOp so your personnel aren’t tied up for days when hours would do, or helping you to take proper credit for the layers of protection you already have in place, Bluefield Process Safety makes sure you achieve the safety you need as effectively as possible.
Probability of Failure: Power Transformer Reliability
“At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall.” — Optimus Prime, Transformers: The Movie I have never been to a process plant that could continue running without electrical power. So, it [...]
Power Failures: Back-Up Generator Reliability
“With a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, he pulls the spitting high tension wires down.” — Buck Dharma, Blue Öyster Cult The preferred design of a safety function is one that deenergizes to trip. [...]
Safety in a Time of War
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.” – Dwight [...]