Grounding the Max 8: Ignoring Near Misses

“The failure of a layer of protection to prevent an incident is not the initiating cause of the incident.”  The United States just joined much of the world in grounding the Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9. The tipping point was not the crash of Indonesian Lion Air Flight 610 into the Java Sea [...]

By |2025-01-17T11:02:42-06:00March 14th, 2019|Current Events, Process Safety|Comments Off on Grounding the Max 8: Ignoring Near Misses

Do You Need a Hero? Emergency Action Plans

“Show me a hero and I’ll write you a tragedy.”  — F. Scott Fitzgerald Being a firefighter is about as safe as any typical job in the United States. Fighting house fires is safer.  Fighting industrial fires, on the other hand, is about as dangerous as the most dangerous jobs that are legal. The Dangers [...]

By |2025-01-17T11:06:22-06:00February 14th, 2019|Chemicals, PHA, Procedures, Training, Workplace Safety|Comments Off on Do You Need a Hero? Emergency Action Plans

By the Book: Procedure Violations in Incident Investigations

“There is almost no human action or decision that cannot be made to look flawed and less sensible in the misleading light of hindsight.  It is essential that the critic should keep himself constantly aware of that fact.”  — Lord Anthony Hidden One of the insidious effects of hindsight bias is that it puts much [...]

By |2025-01-17T11:16:47-06:00January 17th, 2019|Procedures, Process Safety, Process Safety Management, Workplace Safety|Comments Off on By the Book: Procedure Violations in Incident Investigations

Man Down: Knowing When Someone is Hurt

“If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.”  Isaac Asimov We recently facilitated a Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) where the question came up, “What if there was a release and an operator was suddenly overcome? How would we know?” The PHA team considered several possible safeguards: rounds, radio [...]

By |2025-01-17T11:59:22-06:00February 22nd, 2018|Procedures, Process Safety, Process Safety Management, Training, Workplace Safety|Comments Off on Man Down: Knowing When Someone is Hurt
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