Eternal Vigilance: Proof Tests are Essential to Safety

“But, after all, no safeguards are adequate, unless the will to give effect to them fully is present.”  — Jawaharial Nehru I had a truly embarrassing experience a couple days ago. I got a flat tire. The flat tire itself wasn’t embarrassing.  Annoying, yes, but not embarrassing. There are road hazards, and even the most [...]

Written in Blood: Safety Lessons from Disasters

“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.”  — Lyndon B. Johnson Many of the lessons we learn in life are learned when we are children.  The one I remember most vividly is learning to ride a bike.  I was a stubborn child.  I refused to wear any safety [...]

By |2025-01-16T14:59:51-06:00December 16th, 2021|Process Safety, Process Safety Management, Workplace Safety|Comments Off on Written in Blood: Safety Lessons from Disasters
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