“OSHA Says”: Oxygen Monitoring

“Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”  — George Bernard Shaw Because of the work we do, we often hear about OSHA requirements that don’t actually exist. Something akin to, “Well, OSHA says you have to…” Occasionally, they are right. More often though, the requirement fulfills someone’s agenda and OSHA is the [...]

By |2025-01-30T09:00:50-06:00January 30th, 2025|Process Safety, Workplace Safety|0 Comments

Confined Spaces: What Are They?

“Space is something you have to define. Otherwise, it is like anxiety, which is too vague. A fear is something specific. I like claustrophobic spaces, because at least then you know your limits.”  — Louise Bourgeois A group recently met to discuss locking out a process vessel for entry. They identified the agitator, all of [...]

By |2025-01-16T12:55:13-06:00September 28th, 2023|Procedures, Workplace Safety|Comments Off on Confined Spaces: What Are They?
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